Fertility Treatments - ICSI

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Overview About ICSI

Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection or ICSI procedure is a type of Assisted Reproductive Technology that is used to help couples who are unable to conceive due to severe male factor infertility. In this procedure, a washed and prepared sperm is directly injected into the ovum (or egg) which assists in fertilization. This procedure is done as a part of an IVF technique.

Who can benefit with an ICSI Treatment ?

ICSI IVF procedures are recommended for couples who are facing certain specific male factor infertility problems. It is usually advised to individuals having.

Low Sperm Count

ICSI is considered to be an effective option for men with problems related to low sperm count. During ICSI, the strongest and the healthiest sperm are isolated, collected, and cleansed and one healthy sperm is injected into the egg. ICSI is the most common and successful treatment for male infertility. However, as in IVF there are still many other factors affecting a successful pregnancy, including the age of the woman and her fertility difficulties.

Reduced sperm motility

Low sperm motility can hamper natural conception. Some men may have a genetic cause, while others may have an undiagnosed medical condition. Poor lifestyle and environmental factors are also significant factors for unhealthy or reduced sperm motility. ICSI treatment when combined with IVF treatment helps in treating male infertility as it helps to bypass the issue of abnormal or bad sperm motility by directly injecting a single sperm into the egg.

Inability of sperm to penetrate the egg

There are several male infertility cases where there are different or unknown reasons why sperm is unable to penetrate the egg and thus affecting natural conception.In cases where sperm fails to penetrate the outer layer of the egg due to different reasons, thereby affecting the sperm ability to swim. ICSI is helpful for couples with male infertility.

Previous infertility treatment and IUI failures

ICSI is also considered to be the best infertility treatment in cases of multiple IUI failures or repeated failures of other infertility treatments. ICSI when combined with IVF improves the chances of egg fertilization.ICSI maximizes the chance of fertilization taking place as it bypasses any potential problems the sperm will have in getting inside the egg.

ICSI Process

The Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection process is divided into several stages before the actual ICSI procedure. These steps include

  • Step 1
    Ovarian Stimulation

    The female partner is given medication to stimulate the development of follicles in the ovary on Day 2 of her menstruation. The stimulation is done till day 6 or as is deemed appropriate by the specialist.

  • Step 2
    Sperm Preparation

    Sperm are extracted from the male partner and are then washed and concentrated. Healthy sperm are then collected for further examination.

  • Step 3
    Egg Retrieval

    Medication and final stimulation lead to the release of the mature egg. The egg is collected in the clinic and is done by ultrasound guidance under sedation. The retrieved egg is then sent for processing in the ART laboratory.

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